Thursday, October 30, 2014

Changing Tides?

A friend of mind sent me this article from the Harvard Institute of Politics.    The interesting result:

While more 18- to 29- year-olds (50%-43%) surveyed in the IOP’s fall 2014 poll would prefer that Congress be controlled by Democrats instead of Republicans, the numbers improve dramatically for the GOP when only young people who say they will “definitely vote” are studied. Among these likely voters, the IOP’s latest poll shows the preference shifting, with slightly more than half (51%) preferring a Republican-run Congress and 47 percent wanting Democrats to be in charge – a significant change from the IOP’s last midterm election poll in the fall of 2010 when Democratic control was preferred among likely voters 55 percent to 43 percent.
I'm wondering if this is simply a result of young Democrats dropping out or instead a sign that the Millenials are changing their political preferences.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sex With 21 Women

Loyal readers (are any of you left?):   my significant other and I frequently debate causal reasoning, as she's more prone to jump from correlation to cause than am I.  Hence I was hopeful that this article would create opportunities.  However, she saw the flaw in my post hoc inference, and put the kabosh on any hopes in that direction.

On the plus side,  I will avoid brutal punishments!