Sunday, March 3, 2013

Basketball Diplomacy, Moral Equivalence, and A Comparison of Two Tourists

George Stephanopolous interviewed Dennis Rodman on his visit to North Korea.  My impression: Dennis likes the attention but hasn't thought too deeply on either the political nature of North Korea nor the support he gives to its legitimacy.  Compare this to Sophie Schmidt's recent visit and her impressions posted here.  
Sophie is the daughter of Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google.  Sophie didn't quite get the attention Dennis received from Kim Jong Un, but she is much more perceptive in her judgments.

Kudos to Stephanopolous on his good interview, deftly exposing Rodman's inanities. Some paraphrases:  On what kind of guy Kim is: "He's very humble..he loves power; he loves control."  On the political camps: "It's politics.  Bill Clinton had sex with his secretary and he stayed in power."  On the comparison between Kim and Obama: "They both love basketball."

Come to think of it, perhaps that last line might lead to some profitable parleys and if Kim's favorite NBA player growing up was Dennis Rodman, perhaps he really is only interested in defense and has no predilection for offense.   The nuclear warheads he launches towards the US will miss and land in the Atlantic. 

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