Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Dinner with Andre

Forced myself finally to sit through the entire movie.  Thoughts: 1) this is a great stoner movie.  Picture the same conversation, not at a fine restaurant, but in a flat with 2 guys smoking weed.  It would make as much sense, although Andre wouldn't be dropping names of eastern European directors or Norwegian scientists.  He'd be quoting Phish or Radiohead.  2) definitely dated.  This movie could not be made today.  The subtle references to Marx and existentialism would fall flat.  3) Louis Malle is a great director; he can make a 90 minute table conversation interesting.  Otherwise I would've turned it off in the 5th minute.  4) Finally, I think this blog is inextricably interwined with Montauk. First I quip about it discussing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and then Andre has a pivotal event in Montauk.  Andre himself would find this significant.  Wally would scoff.

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