Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wes Anderson's Quirky Vision

The queen and I went to see Moonrise Kingdom yesterday.  Fans of Wes Anderson will like it, although it is not as compelling as Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums.  As with those movies, Moonrise Kingdom compares the moral certitude of its juvenile characters with the moral confusion of its adults.  The characters played by Bill Murray and Gene Hackman in those former movies came to some sort of realization about the importance of family and moral order through the trials and errors created by their own actions.   In Moonrise Kingdom, one gets the sense that none of the adults ever will get it right.  On the positive side, Ed Norton's character, a scout master, keeps his life in proper perspective; he does this though by remaining a perpetual child at camp.

I give it a thumbs up: worth the see, better than Life Aquatic or Darjeeling Unlimited,  but not Anderson's best.  

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