Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Last Lawyer Standing

Kevin at Lowering the Bar brought this to my attention: a law firm will hire new associates on a competitive basis, to whit: 

    " * All candidates are allowed to begin a paid contract legal assignment at $20.00/hour. If you apply you will be given an assignment.

      * Each day the candidate with the weakest work product will be cut until one candidate remains. This process will take one or two weeks until the final candidate is offered on-going employment. If you have seen reality television shows where contestants are cut from episode to episode such as Top Chef, Top Shot or Project Runway -- it will be like this. Do you have what it takes to be Top Associate?

     * If you want to participate you will come to the first day of hiring with your laptop ready to begin. You will be given a group orientation, and then an individual interview. You should be free to work 8 hours per day for the next two weeks to participate in the evaluation."

Now I'm a fan of Top Chef, but I also know this: the judges aren't in control of the process.  The producers of the program have input as well.   So why the process may seem meritocratic, it's not.  Likewise, I doubt if the competition put forward by the Mellen Law Firm will bring out the best candidate.  But it sure does sound fun if you're in charge and not a victim!  Unless of course one's a masochist.

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